Toquet Hall Mission Statement
Toquet Hall was established in 1998 as a positive response to the need of Westport youth for a safe and fun place they could call their own. The mission of Toquet Hall is to meet the critical and emerging needs of teens in our community.
Toquet Hall is a supervised drug/alcohol-free place where middle and high school aged youth can initiate and participate in social, cultural, recreational, and educational activities. Toquet Hall is governed by a partnership of students and adults.
All Toquet Hall patrons are expected to abide by a Code of Conduct
Toquet Hall Teen Center
Codes of Conduct
Drugs: The use, possession, or sale of drugs is strictly prohibited
Alcohol: The consumption, possession, or sale of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited
Smoking: Toquet Hall is a public space, smoking and vaping is prohibited
Vandalism, stealing, destruction of property and gambling are strictly prohibited at Toquet Hall. The person or persons responsible for damage will pay for repairs.
Violent Behavior or any actions which could be harmful to one’s self or to any other individual is strictly prohibited at Toquet Hall.
Possession of Weapons e.g. guns, knives, firecrackers, explosives, or glassware is strictly prohibited at Toquet Hall.
Respect: All patrons of Toquet Hall must be respectful of others and the facility.
Shared Responsibility: All patrons of Toquet Hall are responsible for reporting any incident in violation of codes 1-4.
Report Damage: All patrons of Toquet Hall are required to report any damage to property to the staff.
Report Equipment Problems: All patrons of Toquet Hall are required to report any equipment that is not working properly to the staff.
Cleanup: All patrons of Toquet Hall are responsible for cleaning up after themselves.
Shoes & Shirts Must Be Worn
Infraction of Codes of Conduct 1-4 will lead to immediate suspension of all privileges and will require a review by the Executive Toquet Student Governing Board and the Toquet Hall staff for reinstatement.
Anyone found to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while at Toquet Hall will incur a minimum of two months suspension.
Anyone found in possession of or selling drugs or alcohol will be suspended from Toquet Hall for one year. The individual involved may request reinstatement at the end of the one year suspension.
Anyone found in possession of a weapon will be suspended from Toquet Hall for one year. The individual involved may request reinstatement at the end of the one year suspension.
The Executive Toquet Hall Student Governing Board and the Toquet Hall staff reserve the right to deny reinstatement to any member who has violated these Codes of Conduct.
Patrons or their guests who are in violation of Codes of Conduct 1-4 will be removed from the main hall. Parents or Guardians will be called. If the parents or guardians are not available, the individual or individuals in question may be released to a responsible adult or, alternatively, the Westport Police Department.
Patrons and their guests who are in possession of drugs, alcohol, or weapons will be turned over to the Westport Police Department.
Some of Our Past Performers


Kevin Godburn
Youth Services Director

Amy Wong
Design Assistant & Amazing Photographer
FROM I95 (same North & South)
1. Take Exit 17
2. Go left at the light at the end of the ramp (onto Riverside Ave/ Route 33)
3. Follow Riverside until you meet US Rte 1 (Post Rd) and Take a Right
4. Continue over the Saugatuck River Bridge and take a right at the light (first light)
5. Park in Municipal Library Lot on right
6. Toquet Hall is located across from the green, down the alleyway between Basso & Westport Book Shop
1. Take Exit 41
2. Turn Right at the Stop Sign and then Left onto Rte 33 (Wilton Rd)
3. Follow Wilton Rd until you reach the US Rte 1 (Post Rd) and Take a left at the light
4. Follow directions from 4-6 above
1. Take Exit 41
2. Turn Right off the exit
3. Follow directions from 3-6 above